You might not be able to afford a paint job right now, but them windows are gonna rot. If you don’t get them taken care of all you need is a crack in the chalk.
After you get that crack that you haven’t paid attention to the water gets behind it you don’t see it yet it’s soaking in it still, but it’s in there and it’s not coming out until it gets hot enough to boil out.
When that water evaporates, it produces hot steam that steam gets behind the paint it weakens the resin adhesion from paint to wood. You don’t see it yet but sooner or later the paint starts to peel most of the time it blows off if you pressure wash it I noticed stuff been doing it for 28 years in Baton Rouge, I reworked windows prime were needed. Rework where needed reglaze if needed and you’re back to new I like 2 to 3 coats of good quality paint not cheap quality paint and I like to charge for my work. I don’t do this for free and I don’t do it for my pleasure, it’s not fun. It’s called work. I like to rework your windows before you end up having to spend 2700 on a new one sure It might cost you $600 but if I save you 2700 does it make sense yeah that’s an actual figure From a window I did back in 1999 for one of them Sunburst transom, wood windows I rebuilt it had to replace a lot of wood with Bondo, but I made it look new again.The homeowners did not mine with my quality of expertise and sculpturing. I don’t even know if I have that picture anymore it might be on my Facebook profile who knows it’s somewhere it’s out there might even be on google company profile.
This window actually passed inspection and the house was sold two years after I did the work. I wonder if it’s still holding up I did that job in Santa Maria. I’m proud of it. It was a cluster of rot yeah I like the brag about some of the things I do, always get nice pieces of crap to work on what you know what I’ll make it into success. I’m not a new Painter. I’m a problem solver I’m more than a painter. I have experience in water. Yes, I used to be a shipbuilder. First class welder structural fitter became Painter, I know all kinds of tricks I know how to mold sheet rock. I know how to repair rot, I know how to put it back in. You never noticed it was Bondo underneath sometime. I don’t like that job.
I’m not gonna waste my time placing pictures up here on this particular post, but maybe I’ll update it later with some photos. Those are a little harder to find on my phone cause I didn’t really save the pictures. I just sent them to the customer to let them know about my solutions, so the pictures are a little harder to find just want you to know that there’s customers that I’ve been having for over 10-20 years that I can fix their problems and they’ll just have to give me some money. That’s what I mean others and they help pay my bills, if it weren’t for helping them, I wouldn’t be helped. I’m not really in business. I’m a Magic Man! I’m a magic man you understand I had a Claus to this post not everything‘s fixable, but I could sure make it look like it was fixed!

Stop pretending like you don’t know me I’m all over in front of you. I see you rich people are driving in your neighborhood all around LSU. I see you. You see me pretending like you don’t know my phone number and acting like you don’t know I paint and do great work check out my reviews quit judging me, I’m a hard-working man. Here’s my phone number. It’s on my van.

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