Painting! Renovate now! Best quality at reasonable Rates. Paul paints! Yup! He doos! PainterPaul:lets make Painting Great Again!
Tag: pop corn ceiling removal
Painting drywall repair and texture
painting Houses
Wash scrape sand prime putty chalk and spackle! Old school long lasting high end work. You look here for any work to be done? I am available but my friend who i trained said he wants . $250 a day to work for me . He makes 22$ hour at other Job lol So i […]
Looking for work yall
Come on help a brother . Earned my great reputation
Pressure washing
Sup do my own before painting and only for my clients . Me wash ? Actually hate it but rather do my own. When i prep a job part of witch is killing mildew. Knocking off old paint fast. Like i said prep majic thats all. I love painting like a pro? No buddy after […]