Painting! Renovate now! Best quality at reasonable Rates. Paul paints! Yup! He doos! PainterPaul:lets make Painting Great Again!
Tag: licensed exterior painting
Painting drywall repair and texture
Yeah, it’s kind of cold outside
I know I’m not funny. Good morning everybody can’t wait to get to work. I ain’t got time for no snow.
painting Houses
Wash scrape sand prime putty chalk and spackle! Old school long lasting high end work. You look here for any work to be done? I am available but my friend who i trained said he wants . $250 a day to work for me . He makes 22$ hour at other Job lol So i […]
Custom Paint Painter
I worked for many folks who pay me as I go cause they not sure what they want will be ok for them . Its a open job they always pay me cause there free to decide what they want. Basically operate a service to those people. It’s a pay-as-you-go situation sometimes I can’t afford […]
The woes of life!  When you get caught up with your payments, the date changes and you’re behind again you’re never OK never you’re never OK. Time is your biggest enemy because it keeps moving and it always leaves you behind on a rent behind on us car note behind on the insurance payments […]
Hello. This is the short version if you didn’t wanna read the long version.
OK, give me a job. Let me paint your house. Let me pressure wash your driveways. Let me come pressure wash your house before I paint it. Let me paint your kitchen. Let me paint your bathroom. Let me paint your kitchen and bathroom and cabinets Too. short enough right call me. The number is […]
I know how to paint
So what. People think what they want. Tell me what you think. I know more dead painters from the past then I really know today. I wake this morning knowing I have excuse to not work cause its cold . Deep down inside its dead wrong I am set to do interior work right now. […]