Painting! Renovate now! Best quality at reasonable Rates. Paul paints! Yup! He doos! PainterPaul:lets make Painting Great Again!
Tag: furniture refreshing
Painting drywall repair and texture
The woes of life!  When you get caught up with your payments, the date changes and you’re behind again you’re never OK never you’re never OK. Time is your biggest enemy because it keeps moving and it always leaves you behind on a rent behind on us car note behind on the insurance payments […]
Painter Paul Seals Folding picnic
Been saving this for a few years it was about to go in the trash. It was terrible. Found it at a rental house. Told the owner. No, let’s save this. I know it don’t look like much now, but I’m gonna make it look new again. I never got to it And then things […]