Good Morning

Saw and met with many yesterday.

Saw jobs still happening on holidays by migrant working gangs like they do not even celebrate while we do.

Its only there opportunity to get work done while we have our party.

The others people I ran into where American citizens they all ask me for work.

Made my day miserable cause there working we not.

So why ?

How can Americans turn tail on Americans?

Why is it all about the most self seeking world I ever met.

You cannot even beg for work. Why do I post this ?

Oh thats simple its true.

I feel there ought to be a penalty like tariffs on migrants working and taking positions we deserve.

I had to spend Thousands to operate a business.

But if you cannot speak english your hired right out the basket.

Treason against American work force.

This is about our lively hoods !

Besides your money does not stay here and influence a great economy it goes through the apps to another country south of here.

Dead money thanks y’all!

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