Category: full service painter

Out doing Estimates now !

Are you worthy for my services? I only serve the righteous honest people. Why cause I believe in serving Gods Kids and help them get things done. Follow Guarantee manufacturers requirements. Not just for show but for you to know Painter Paul’s policy The best work at a fare cost with top quality warranteed products.

Good afternoon

Dear public you want a polished actor with a beautiful website and a plastic wrap van? Thats good at making everything sound great like a pretty van means you professional? I been around to long to see what begging look like. Using pretty vans to jump in from of champions is not being a champion […]

Good morning October 14

Today I’m going 46 minutes away to paint ceilings. I’m looking for work near me in LSU area. I’m too good to let die. I do work that holds up for 20 years I notice Lady she talk bad about me but her job lasted 28 years it’s still holding up on her house and […]

fall Painting.

Paint exterior and interior high quality well prepped work no, I’m not making no pretty commercial and the pretty website and a pretty colorful business card to attract your attention. I would rather do a really nice job on your house. Do a good prep and a thorough job that holds up for 15 to […]

Quality that holds for years

Exterior painting holds years on every job I have done for 17-28 years nothing special just do a thorough prep and high quality paint. No complaints at all with quality. Been Painting for over a real long life. Every job I’ve ever gotten has always been one of them jobs falling apart and every time […]

Painting homes to last

How are you today, sir? You looking at the windows they fallen apart yeah me too. That’s a lot of work. You know there’s somebody out here that likes to do that work and if you could only afford one window, he’ll come do that one window at this time. Hell, it might make half […]

That great time to work on outside!

Nothing more to say. We offer financing reasonable rates, high-quality work, long lasting effects From high-quality paint is there any more I can say ? 225-937-9986 Painter painter painter painter, painter, painter, Paul painter, painter, painter, painter, painter, painter, Paul give me a call PainterPaul give me a call 

PaintForce1 marketing

Years ago, we used to get jobs by the quality of our work now marketing companies jump on us and ride us for money the general public don’t understand how much they try to rape us for. I’m not playing that game anymore. It’s all the waste of money I never get a return on […]

Wood frame windows 937-9986

You might not be able to afford a paint job right now, but them windows are gonna rot. If you don’t get them taken care of all you need is a crack in the chalk. After you get that crack that you haven’t paid attention to the water gets behind it you don’t see it […]

You are in LSU area?

I am available to provide you with my services Call Painter Paul At 225-937-9986 Call in morning !! Do you need windows, rebuilt, and installed and then painted we can perform the whole line up give us a call give me a call. I’ll hook you up with the builder that I use.

So Sherwinn has a sale on Paint

Go get your paint! Call me ima paint it . You don know where theres a crack theres a place for termites to crawl in. Cracks also catch water. Some folks painting is just to change color. Call me I can do more than paint hurry

Good morning

Sup! Going to work prep sum doors Not showing photos of this job. There’s plenty enough pictures on my Google my business website At: Paint Force 1 Painting Contractor would love your feedback. Post a review to our profile. Your wanting rooms painted in the lsu area call me now You want exteriors done […]