Category: interior painting drywall finishing and texturing patches

Thank you folks!!

I am grateful to them those favs on my company profile. I am busy now. Happy while working in Capitol heights area. Getting done soon. Soon looking for another project. It really pays to do maintenance on your homes! I keep finding rot that looks good . from the street but This little crack turns […]

Pressure wash

As low as $300 Now available soon . Get the drive way done as low as a $150.oo Call now Painting as low as 35 hour. Ground level and interior only! Move on it now cause II promise to raise prices as soon as my bills are paid. Deal!!! Call now never giving up. Giving […]

Professional 33 years of experience!

That’s Right sum of us been in service many years. Here to serve providing high end maintenance of many folks for years. Where are my clients three in Florida now two died. And the last five years of work with clients are finished . So that causes me to search out new clients-I am not […]

Expert Drywall and Painting Services in Baton Rouge

Drywall repairs, interior painting, Licenced exterior painting, working to do your interior and exterior working to improve our reputation not Resting on one.. We also can do pressure washing. If you want I can look at the Job your wanting done local and residential Please be in Baton Rouge

Workin on workin

Lets do your house ! Call now! OK, let’s just do a cabinet. OK let’s just do a bedroom. OK let’s just do your bathroom. OK we don’t have to do a lot. Let’s just do something. I’ll do something for you this week. I’ll do something for somebody else next week. Just give me […]

Hello. This is the short version if you didn’t wanna read the long version.

OK, give me a job. Let me paint your house. Let me pressure wash your driveways. Let me come pressure wash your house before I paint it. Let me paint your kitchen. Let me paint your bathroom. Let me paint your kitchen and bathroom and cabinets Too. short enough right call me. The number is […]

Hi Julie, Bob,Steve ,Sheri, Penny,Dr Ross, Jeff, sergeant Lt, such and such such and such etc!

I’m here for you, trusted servant I’m here to do what you you need an way of painting and inside or outside your house you go make the money and I’ll take care of your house. Thank you man play me in find 937-9986 tell me PainterPaul paint my house man you do a good […]

Christmas(good bye Christmas child hood is gone)

I hide from Christmas. Why is magically unmagical I am always in the slow period. While i should be in abundance i am poor bills take all I own I work hard to give it all to insurance and creditors, and rent three rents two storage units and an apartment. Also a van note I […]

What do you want to know ?

Well a-lot of Contractors tell there knowledge give away Not me my clients know my work not giving away information Cause my lawyer friend said Information is not free. I never build this site to brag about my knowledge but google has you dancing for attention Lol Do Need to so that ? Been painting […]

Hello Christmas is the season where we all love each other

Is that true? Well, let’s get showing some love. I know only a few that can and have don’t be a hypocrite. Show some love. I got an idea. Of course I’m gonna be in on it. You can send me and pay me to do something for your favorite person I can paint their […]

Need work done?!!

Call 225-937-9986 Call now! Need to get my phone ranging!

Wash van!

I’m always busy if I’m working I’m working if I’m not working I’m working on working. It’s always about working on working and working, but I’m always busy so when is there time to wash the van today? I say today today I figure it was cold so I wanted to get wet, so I […]


Do you want to invest in a renovations? Do you want to buy up and turn over old homes? Thats my favorite work. I was good at being the painter turning over flood homes. Was it almost ten years ago already? Wow time flys You need me trust this been doing this type of worth […]


This is the number to call for a painter to paint bed rooms kitchens bathrooms out side in side patch holes in drywall . Call now get it done soon. Thank you Jesus his love is great Don’t worry I am not deporting!

Fresh painting smelly sweet freshness

Cabinets, ceilings, bedrooms , holes in your wall, stains on ceilings,base boards, Crown mold. You hate popcorn? Me too . Its Time to get it financing available . Feeling Good ? Thanks Giving here? Christmas here? O o New years? Duperbowl Sunday come on pooper bowl! Call Me now Paul The Painter Painter Paul Click […]