Is that true? Well, let’s get showing some love. I know only a few that can and have don’t be a hypocrite. Show some love. I got an idea. Of course I’m gonna be in on it. You can send me and pay me to do something for your favorite person I can paint their […]
Author: paintforce1llc
Need work done?!!
Call 225-937-9986 Call now! Need to get my phone ranging!
Wash van!
I’m always busy if I’m working I’m working if I’m not working I’m working on working. It’s always about working on working and working, but I’m always busy so when is there time to wash the van today? I say today today I figure it was cold so I wanted to get wet, so I […]
Painter Paul Seals Folding picnic
Been saving this for a few years it was about to go in the trash. It was terrible. Found it at a rental house. Told the owner. No, let’s save this. I know it don’t look like much now, but I’m gonna make it look new again. I never got to it And then things […]
Drywall prime and texture
Wall paper removed ? Painted to perfection. 1993-2025 PainterPaul storming Baton Rouge with A five .0 rating There is nothing I have not done to make my customers happy. Thank God for Loving people in my life. You want some painting done? Good deal Yeah?
Painting by a professional painter
Good quality work? Tough long lasting quality materials. Craftsman’s pride, you could taste it in their work no slick, slapping runoff rangers here Just pure homegrown genuine hard working worship of good quality workmanship Thats correct if you even willing to cut American throats with cheap wall hopping labor we prefer to not even know […]
Good Morning
Saw and met with many yesterday. Saw jobs still happening on holidays by migrant working gangs like they do not even celebrate while we do. Its only there opportunity to get work done while we have our party. The others people I ran into where American citizens they all ask me for work. Made my […]
Painting anything to keep his head screwed on
How did you find my site?
Are you looking for a painter? How did you find my site? Do you live in Baton Rouge? Yes or no did I get to the right person to paint your house? Is your house in Baton Rouge? I’m interested in all these questions. I have a lot of views on my website, but nobody […]
What is this site about?
It is paid for by me to get my work for me so i do not have to beg for work. While learning how to paint years ago I learned there are no permanent jobs in this work jobs are always getting done and finished and therefore your always looking to find another Job. Why […]
Do you want to invest in a renovations? Do you want to buy up and turn over old homes? Thats my favorite work. I was good at being the painter turning over flood homes. Was it almost ten years ago already? Wow time flys You need me trust this been doing this type of worth […]
Rental properties
Yeah I said it
Hello professional craftsmen
You want something done painting ?! Call 225-937-9986 Years of service!
Painter be bored
Looking to do a whole house! Come on now lets take inventory!
Baton Rouge Painter
Living in Baton rouge 29 years only paint and home improvement 29 years yes long time. Well equipped. Live off my own hands. My own actions not anybody else’s. Plan on trusting God for next Job most the time. Always have been busy never imagine being slow. Suddenly we flooded with back stabbing in economic […]
Hello what do you need?
225-937-9986 How much are you willing to pay? Clown economy!
Home improvement
Call 225-937-9986
This is the number to call for a painter to paint bed rooms kitchens bathrooms out side in side patch holes in drywall . Call now get it done soon. Thank you Jesus his love is great Don’t worry I am not deporting!
Fresh painting smelly sweet freshness
Cabinets, ceilings, bedrooms , holes in your wall, stains on ceilings,base boards, Crown mold. You hate popcorn? Me too . Its Time to get it financing available . Feeling Good ? Thanks Giving here? Christmas here? O o New years? Duperbowl Sunday come on pooper bowl! Call Me now Paul The Painter Painter Paul Click […]
Sheet rock painting exterior and interior
From louisiana in louisiana going to die in louisiana Best quality ever never been better than me!!! Telling truth!LOL The rest wanna be like me.