I am not getting a stupid wrap on my Van and pretend like I am wonderful.
Smile with my pretty wife and act like i am a business man. with peach fuzz lol
I am of course a skilled worker who has worked for what I have and even what I do not have.
I love hands on not smile on I am not a smiley face lol .
I am a quality minded stage working phase focused pain managing older guy who is greatly experienced with worth and power
Was born and raised in America and have that right to say it.
“I remember rock was young me and susie had so much fun”
Yes I was blinded by the light!
We was the country !
Yes we was 💪🏽🤣 way back then.
Our Country is what I would call a phantom of the past promises, it’s a ghost dream!
Me still working for the Dream but have I learned by now there are no righteous no not one.
All are beat up and hid in the garbage piles of yeaterday.
The future is a fantasy reality is we all grow old nobody wins.
You can help others but you cannot bring your castle to heaven so use that castle to help people like me have an income. Boy I sure did drag you around a story of reality.
Will chase atms be in heaven?

The cabinets ok
I am hoping for a free haircut now cause turns out I have no money .😁
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