Thats what I do all the time.
Nobody thinks about me till they need me . During the flood i was only called when another contractor screwed up. And there were many screw ups. I had the reputation of fixing poop via redo. Was also so cheap I lost my behind off.
The reason is I hired people and could not seem to have time to do what i needed cause I had to keep moving and getting what they constantly asked me for. I did not charge enough for me.
But hey people they do not care about us they replace us like trash.
For people i used to hire died of different causes and no body even thought about them.
Why do i say that cause they just replacement therapy all the wonderful Painters with foreign investments.
Thanks guys !
Learning the true meaning of united we stand divided we sure do fall.
Dump them old dirt bags.
So ima dirt bag trying to earn my way.
Here I am seeking to paint houses constantly everydayyyyyyyyy.
My number is 225-937-9986
Please call me for work thanks I need to pretend to be a professional lol.
Yeah ok bitter ol me be something I already am painting since 1993.
I have to werk you see you have it give it to me I need werk.
Lets werk !!
Call now trying to survive
You want to see my werk go to my google my business profile.
I get tired of up loading.
See reviews for PaintForce1, LLC
What am I doing ?
Begging now begging to work
Gods will be done amen!