It is paid for by me to get my work for me so i do not have to beg for work.
While learning how to paint years ago I learned there are no permanent jobs in this work jobs are always getting done and finished and therefore your always looking to find another Job.
Why cause there are too many painters for slow periods.
On the other hand there are not enough quality painters for rush periods.
The only period we are in now is the worst period i have ever felt in my life!
Wall hopers everywhere.
Never seen so many non citizens working and Citizens struggling to just buy food are even pay rent.
Never been here since the Gustav rush of throat cutters( throat cutter is a contractor using illegal laborers to cut legal throats of citizen employees)
Not new we see you doing your evil and take photos.
Your are logged thats right.
This is a website to advertise for a force of 1
Built by a force of 1
I am a painter
I am a good worker I am American born.
I resent cheaters!
I pray for your end.
I worked too hard to loose everything caused by Your sins against painters like me.
I feel what I feel!
Feeling is not a crime
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