Waiting on that storm ?
My opinion we ok always sum damage but power will fail is sum places.
Yes I am ready to paint the storm purple if you pay me too.
I would love to see a purple hurricane.
You want me to come pressure wash after storm maybe do dry wall
Learn and memorize my number Please!
I cannot wait to get out this man cave.

Painter here since 1993
Learned the hard way every lesson came with loss and investment.
Not a new champ champ for years!
Knees and elbow’s not everyone else’s knees and elbows MY OWN knees and ELBOWS and shoulder joints fingers hips.
I worked my booty off !
Yes I am bragging ! I am the guy in Baton rouge who done It alllll MY SELf!
Judge me ! Go ahead I invite anybody to Judge me !
Go ahead make my day.

Most people couldn’t even handle the hard times that I’ve suffered, giving my money to the insurance companies the state, the equipment, the tools, the labor, and come out empty-handed. Most of you guys would put a gun to your head stick it in your mouth and pull the trigger most of you guys don’t know how hard I’ve worked, I’m just state it for the record. You know how hard it is to deal with some people you know you can please a lot of people and I got a lot of pleased customers. There’s just one or two of them are total butt holes. You know that right you could do the best job for them and then they will turn around and talk on your back, if you hear anybody if you hear anybody.
Tell them how ungrateful they are so ungrateful, and they ought to be ashamed of herself because they’re normally spoiled and never had to suffer like I have to do what I’ve done and have what I have and lose what I’ve lost all the years that I’ve suffered just to be here in this city so there’s a piece of my mind. I don’t hate anybody, but I hate suffering and sometimes business owners like me lose everything and right now. I’m not in the perfect circles anymore. Most of my customers move the Florida retired create new customers hard developing respect, getting you to respect me is hard, just know that I have earned my place and this city and I have given myself for others and a special place that you find me 2 to 3 times a day.
Everybody Knows me.
Am trying to survive against the fall in economy.
Its so Hard!
Do you need any work done? Do you got some money? Some people got money. I don’t got money. I need money to live on. I’m not greedy. I need to work so only way I get money is to work. Nobody gives me money. I work for it I’m more than willing to work, have no problem with it. I’m a diabetic. I have to keep moving or else I’m gonna die anyway so give me a call call me. I’m in the LSU area. I’m here for me for you. I’m here for me to get some money and you to use me to get things done. Let’s be straight about that. I don’t do this for my pleasure. I do this to live and survive I meant that things hurt a little bit but I don’t care. Take some Aleve and go to work. Have a great day. Enjoy your hurricane.

I got a memory to share with you. They had a house going up on Perkins Road after Gustaf and I ask him for a job and he said the only thing is is you gotta have your own insurance. so I gave him business card LLC and
took his words back and said oh, but I got this job already Labored. The next day illegal immigrants showed up. I went home and illegal immigrants were on the job fixing apartments after the storm. Nobody would hire me and I was living off MREs from Katrina that I had saved so I’m sitting here eating watching illegal immigrants work in my own country I’ll never forget that y’all. I’ll never forget that I was hungry and they were working in front of me and it hurt like hell for Americans turning the knife back on me. I’ll never forget that that’s the last thing you ever hear. Come out of my mouth. I’ll never forget what Americans has done Americans here.

Its 12:31am half the eye of this hurricane is up and on shore!
Yeah come get me!

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